Are You in the Right Relationship? Quiz Yourself

I've been in a relationship for over five years, and it's been wonderful. My partner is kind, supportive and fun—the type of person who would make anyone feel good about themselves. But every once in a while, I find myself wondering if we're still right together long-term. Maybe it's just that my partner doesn't call as often as I'd like or maybe we're fighting more than usual (or less than usual), but there are times when I feel like something needs to change between us. The good news: There are signs you can look out for that might indicate your relationship isn't right anymore. So, whether you've been dating someone forever, just started seeing them recently or even started dating within the last week—here are some questions to help you figure out if everything is OK with your S/O: Do you feel like you're doing all the work while your partner just sits there? ● Do you feel like you're doing all the work while your partner just sits ...