Are You in the Right Relationship? Quiz Yourself

I've been in a relationship for over five years, and it's been wonderful. My partner is kind, supportive and fun—the type of person who would make anyone feel good about themselves. But every once in a while, I find myself wondering if we're still right together long-term. 

Maybe it's just that my partner doesn't call as often as I'd like or maybe we're fighting more than usual (or less than usual), but there are times when I feel like something needs to change between us. The good news: There are signs you can look out for that might indicate your relationship isn't right anymore. So, whether you've been dating someone forever, just started seeing them recently or even started dating within the last week—here are some questions to help you figure out if everything is OK with your S/O:

Do you feel like you're doing all the work while your partner just sits there?

    Do you feel like you're doing all the work while your partner just sits there?

    Are they unwilling to compromise with you, even when it's obvious that something needs to change?

    Do they have more control over the relationship than they should?

Are you checking in with each other to make sure everything is, OK?

One of the best ways to know if you're in a healthy relationship is by checking in with your partner and yourself.

Here are some questions to ask:

    Do you feel like you can talk openly with each other? If not, why not? Are there things that need to be said that aren't being said because they might hurt someone's feelings or make them uncomfortable?

    Are both parties able to listen without interrupting or getting defensive when their partner talks about something that bothers them?

    Does either person have the ability--and willingness--to apologize when they've done something wrong (or been less than kind)?

Do your feelings for him or her still seem as strong as they used to be?

    Are your feelings for him or her still as strong as they used to be? If not, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship.

    If your feelings are still strong and you're just feeling like things aren't connecting with your partner anymore, then sit down and talk about it!

Does he or she interfere with other relationships, including friends and family?

If your partner is jealous of your friends, it may be a sign that he or she is insecure. If you're spending time with an old flame, and he/she gets upset about it, then it might be time to take a step back from the relationship.

It's also worth considering if your partner is jealous of your family relationships; this could indicate jealousy over how much love you have in your life (and thus make him/her feel less loved).

Are you constantly fighting about the same things over and over again because neither of you is willing to listen to the other person for very long?

If you're in a relationship and constantly fighting about the same things over and over again, it could be time to talk about how you can work together to solve the problem.

If neither of you are willing to listen to each other, then maybe this isn't the right relationship for either of you.

Is your partner manipulating you in any way, such as by using guilt trips or threats, to get what he or she wants from you?

Have you ever noticed that some people are very good at getting what they want from others?

This is manipulation, and it's not a sign of love or respect. It's a sign of insecurity and lack of self-respect. If your partner is manipulating you in any way--by using guilt trips or threats, for example--it means that he or she doesn't feel secure enough in himself/herself to be honest about what he/she wants, which leads us right into our next question:

If you answered yes to some of these questions, then you may want to think about the future of your relationship and consider whether it's time for a change.

If you answered yes to some of these questions, then you may want to think about the future of your relationship and consider whether it's time for a change.

    Are you constantly worried about how well your partner is doing?

    Do you feel like the only thing that matters in life is being with this person?

    Do their problems become yours?

If so, then it might be time for a change! You deserve better than this unhealthy dynamic where every decision comes down on whether or not someone else approves of it or not.


If you answered yes to some of these questions, then you may want to think about the future of your relationship and consider whether it's time for a change.

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